armillaria mellea life cycle
In older taxonomic schemes anamorphs and. Establishing europe s data infrastructure for the life science research of the future. Anamorph of xylaria cubensis.
Sulphureus causes wood rot of apple pear etc while armillaria mellea causes red rot of apple.
Armillaria mellea life cycle. The life cycle of some fungi involves both sexual and asexual stages. Parasitism is a kind of symbiosis a close and persistent long term biological interaction between a parasite and its host unlike saprotrophs parasites feed on living hosts though some parasitic fungi for instance may continue to feed on hosts they have killed unlike commensalism and mutualism the parasitic relationship harms the host either feeding on it or as in the case of intestinal. For such fungi the anamorph is the asexual stage while the teleomorph is the sexual stage. Armillaria ostoyae synonym armillaria solidipes is a species of pathogenic fungus in the family physalacriaceae in the western united states it is the most common variant of the group of species under the name armillaria mellea.
In the anamorphic stage asexual reproduction may occur through cloning with the production of conidia see spores for more information. Polyporus abietinus causes decay of abies wood p. Ostoyae is common on both hardwood and conifer wood in forests west of the cascade range in oregon united states it has decurrent gills and the stipe has a ring. Harrow j hancock j elixir excelerate community blomberg n.
Schweinitzii causes bud rot of mature conifers p. Species of polyporus and armillaria are very com mon cause wood rot of many trees.